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Bob Graham Round Record

American Runner Sets New Speed Record on Bob Graham Round

A Californian ultramarathoner has shaved almost an hour off the fastest known time for the grueling Bob Graham Round, a legendary fell running challenge in the English Lake District.

Jack Kuenzle completed the 42-mile (67.5-kilometer) course, which involves traversing 42 summits, in an astonishing 13 hours and 36 minutes on Friday, September 2, 2022. The previous record of 14 hours and 33 minutes was set by British runner Kilian Jornet Burgada in 2018.

The Bob Graham Round was first conceived in June 1932 when Keswick hotelier Bob Graham broke the 24-hour Lakeland Fell Record, crossing 42 summits and taking in 26,900 feet (8,198 meters) of ascent. The challenge has since become a rite of passage for fell runners, and the speed record has been broken several times over the years.

Kuenzle, who is based in San Francisco, is a two-time winner of the prestigious Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc and is widely regarded as one of the world's best ultramarathoners. He is known for his incredible endurance and speed, and his victory in the Bob Graham Round is a testament to his abilities.

Kuenzle's record-breaking run was all the more impressive given the challenging conditions on the day. He faced strong winds and rain throughout the course, but he never gave up, digging deep to find the extra reserves of energy needed to push through to the finish.

The Bob Graham Round is a truly iconic challenge, and Kuenzle's record-breaking run is a testament to his incredible skill and determination. His achievement is sure to inspire a new generation of fell runners and ultramarathoners around the world.
